It's been a while since I posted anything, although I have a big bunch of painted figures that were not exhibited yet. I wanted to photograph some today, but the camera battery was too low.
Anyway, this month is car repairs month, which is a curse on the hobby pocket, so all I bought was a load of plastics from Arcane Scenery: 1/72 Zvezda and Italeri medievals, HäT Grenzer (I'm relieved I could finally find a box), and Perry renaissance horsemen (I have one box of gendarmes and light cavalry painted, but would like to paint more).
I'm back to painting 28mm renaissance stuff (if the purchase list would not suggest it strongly enough), and have painted a bunch of figures. I really like how the Perry and Warlord plastics can be varied as the parts fit. It's a slower progress, but more relaxing.